Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Geometric relations of the lathes and the craters and lava fields of volcanic-mediated remote sensing and its importance to the regional tectonics.
العلاقات الجيومترية للمخارط والفوهات واللابات للحقول البركانية بوساطة الاستشعار عن بعد وأهميتها للتكتونية الإقليمية.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : In this research to identify and draw relations geometry of the cones and lava volcanic in three fields of volcanic Haditha in the western part of the kingdom, the goal of the first phase was to develop a methodology to do so by identifying the various steps which include the identification and mapping cones and lava through the study and analysis of optical satellite images, and then analyze the specific parameters by using the one of these fields as a intensive study (free Khb), the second trip included the application of the various steps that have been identified in the first phase of the research on the regions of other test (free Rahat and free Khyber), and then was the work of a comparison of Khaddaúa derived n all the volcanic fields, and can even achieve the objectives of the project it was designed to include the stage to collect information, and to determine the stage of the methodology, and then do the identification and analysis of volcanic cones and lava and specific goals. The satellite images collected during the collection of information, including the TM and the MSS and the RBV. To determine the satellite images most appropriate to determine the cones and lava volcanic it has been the study and analysis of satellite images with a scale 250.000:1 visually and this covers the fields volcanic three under study, and found that the recognition accuracy on the volcanic features in these images ranges between 15% for MMS to 92% for TM. 
Publishing Year : 1408 AH
1988 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1408 AH
1988 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد رشاد مفتيmofti, mohammed rashadInvestigatorDoctorate 


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