Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Multidisciplinary oceanographic study of three environmentally sensitive sites on the Saudi coast of the Red Sea.
دراسة أقيانوغرافية متعددة التخصصات لثلاثة مواقع حساسة بيئياً على الساحل السعودي للبحر الأحمر.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Contain the coastal waters of the Red Sea on the many types of reef environments exquisite variety of plants and marine animals has Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection to appoint environmentally sensitive areas along the east coast of the Red Sea has taken this research project is a multi-disciplinary it upon himself to study the area between latitudes 22.5, 23.5 degrees north latitude where the 3 areas are environmentally sensitive and Marina Long Beach Marina and covert OS. During the month of September in 2000 ranged from a change in water temperature from the surface to depths of 40-30 m between 1.66 ° C to 3.55 ° C changes the salinity fluctuated between 0.10 to 0.50 per thousand in the thousands. In January 2001 it was the water column is mostly homogeneous in temperature and salinity and took the temperature to rise in April and August 2001 and compared to recorded values ​​of low salinity during April corresponding to the rate of evaporation is low in March and April and the density of lineages warming in the region 166 watts per square meter, which corresponds to the rate of evaporation of 211 cm per year and the evaporation in March and April was lower than in October. The ocean currents during the months of January and April were often northwesterly direction, but in August and September, the south-east of the current surface, while underneath the surface current north-west. Marine Biology has shown that the geological distribution and the spread of sediment in the southern part is affected by incense Kharrar where the sediment is moving according to the current in the creek Almdjzari During the term of decline, the State of the Creek sediment moving south while moving some of the sediments to the north. The northern region Vgalbha covered with a thin layer of sediment limestone and there is no trace of the materials transmitted because of the absence of any source of rivers and, in general, the sediment medium rough to rough prevailing in the region and in large quantities of material limestone and there is no trace of the materials transmitted because of the absence of any source of rivers and, in general, the sediment medium coarse roughness to dominate the region and large quantities of limestone material compared to material transmitted also showed characteristics of textile production and installation of sediment topical thin layer of sediments rich in carbonates. 
Publishing Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
فضل أحمد شودريshoudri, fadhl ahmedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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