Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Properties and creep movement of sand dunes and sandy brush: applied geomorphological study on the problem of sand encroachment in the area of ​​the emirate of Mecca.
خصائص وحركة زحف الكثبان الرملية والفرشاة الرملية :دراسة جيومورفولوجية تطبيقية على مشكلة زحف الرمال فى منطقة امارة مكة المكرمة
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The study aims to verify the hypothesis which claims that the relationship between the quality of writing in the second (and private parts of speech) and linguistic ability in the mother tongue (or the student's knowledge of the rules of language first.) It assumes, on the whole in language learning, the learners of foreign or second language, especially those with low-level language, usually resort to convert some of the compositions and uses language as it is in the first language to a second foreign. Knowing the student, his awareness of the rules of his native language (Arabic in this study) will help him in the speed of learning a foreign language or second and will have a positive impact in the quality of writing in a foreign language or Althainp (especially in the parts of speech). The study sample is divided into four samples (according to the test level in both English and Arabic): 1. Students language level and knowledge of Alanhalizah Beginner weak in the mother tongue (Arabic) 2. Students language level and knowledge of Alanhalizah Beginner high in Arabic. 3. Students language level and knowledge of the average Alanhalizah weak in Arabic. 4. Alanhalizah students language level and knowledge of the average high in Arabic. There are two types of tests will be applied to samples of the study: The first written expression of the subject (student chooses a topic from the four specific topics) In Arabic and then translated later into English. The second type of speech (the same four topics specified) directly in English. Researcher hopes that the results of this study prove the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between the quality of writing in a foreign language or second language, estimated high in the native language. If they are found, the researcher proposes to the competent educational authorities to review the curricula for language English and Arabic grammar in phases Almtosh and secondary to university level so that the focus is more on teaching the rules governing structures in Arabic and English. 
Publishing Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
هاشم حمزة نورnour, hashim hamzaInvestigatorDoctorate 


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 30257.docx docx 

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