Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Proposed perception for implementing some of temporary environmental issues in Health & Women Education's curriculum for Secondary Stage in Developed Education
تصور مقترح لتضمين بعض القضايا البيئية الصحية المعاصرة في مقرر التربية الصحية والنسوية للمرحلة الثانوية بالتعليم المطور
Subject : Proposed perception for implementing some of temporary environmental issues in Health & Women Education's curriculum for Secondary Stage in Developed Education 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This research aims to present a proposed perception for implementing some of temporary environmental issues in Health & Women Education's curriculum for Secondary Stage in Developed Education The research issue e concentrated on the following main question : What is the suggested perception for implementing some of temporary environmental issues in Health & Women Education's curriculum for Secondary Stage in Developed Education ? . To answer this research main question , and to achieve the objective of this research , an analytical descriptive methodology was followed as per procedures stated below : 1) prepared a list of temporary health environmental issues through perusal of previous study / Studies . The list composed of 23 issue . 2) The list was presented to specialists to determine its feasibility to nature of female students in the secondary stage , and to nature of " House Economy" subject ( Women & Health Education ) , as well as nature of the Saudi Society . The list was arranged in descending order as per repetition & percentage ratios . 3) Analyzed the curriculum of Family Education for elementary & intermediate stages , and subject of Women & Health Education for secondary stage , to find the health environmental issues implemented in these subjects , as 6 implemented issues were excluded from the list . 4) Based on the specialists' opinions and analysis of the subjects , the first two issues were chosen from the list , since they got the highest repetition percentage ratio ( 100 % ) , and these two issues were implemented in the Women & Health Education 's curriculum for secondary Stage in Developed Education through Teacher's Guidance Booklet . Thus , the aforementioned research questions are answered hereto . Eventually this research come out with the following recommendations : 1) The researcher recommends applying the proposed perception for implementation of the temporary health environmental issues by female teachers , and that for develop the health and environmental awareness among female students . 2) The Commission on Syllabi Development and planning in Ministry of Education shall make use of the health environmental list when implementing the temporary health environmental issues in the other syllabi curricula and for different school stages . 3) Train the female teachers - under service – on different methods of implementing the temporary health environmental issues in school syllabi and subjects . 4) Give more concern about class curricular and extra curricular activities , to provide female students with concepts , trends and health and environmental skills for the sake of protecting human being and his environment . Among research suggestions are : 1) Set a proposed perception for implementation of rest of the temporary health environmental issues that the researched reached to in the final list . 2) 2) Carry out a similar research to implement some of the temporary health environmental issues in other schools curricula . 3) 3) Prepare suggested program for training female teachers on methods of implementation of the temporary health environmental issues in the schools curricula . 4) 4) Carry out a field survey study to know the influence of implementation of the temporary health environmental issues in the schools curricula on the development of health and environmental awareness among female students . 
Supervisor : Dr. Samiha Mahmoud,Ibrahim 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Number Of Pages : 188 
Added Date : Wednesday, June 16, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
نوف فهد ناصرNaser, Nouf

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