Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Abstract Artistic Values In Saudi Painting As An Experimental Entry To Innovate Painting Projects
القيم الفنية التجريدية في التصوير السعودي كمدخل تجريبي
Subject : The Abstract Artistic Values In Saudi Painting As An Experimental Entry To Innovate Painting Projects 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Subject: abstract artistic values in Saudi representation as an experimental approach to generate new representation works. Presented by : Sarah Bent Salem Omar Banob Supervised by: Prof Dr. Safaa Ali Fahmi Dyab The present research follows both analytical and experimental descriptive approach through the theoretical and applied framework to reach the objectives cited by this research and achieving the hypotheses prescribed by this study. This study was made to reach the initiatives and creative starting points from which the artist makes use in enriching and differentiating the abstract artistic value in his representational works and exploring the constructive approaches and multiple formative solution in such abstract works whether expressive or engineering through analytical study and classification. It is through exploring such solutions and approaches we can reach artistic experimental approaches and technological treatments to express new contents and meanings that enrich this modern abstract representational side. Consequently this research aims to present new approaches, initiatives and treatments in dealing with the expressive and engineering abstract forms and to make use of them in generating a group of artistic works to enrich the field of representation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The most important results reached by the study include the following: - • multiplicity and diversity of inspiration and vision for the Saudi artist according to the characteristics of each area in the kingdom that include special popular heritage that distinguish it from other areas. This heritage is considered an important source for inspiration the matter that led to the diversification of creative thought in producing abstract products that distinguish his products from others. • The capabilities of using computer technologies and its multiple techniques in abstract representation to present new treatment and expending the imagination field to preset modern representational products. • The current research contributes in enriching the teaching of abstract representation to the students of the department of Art and recording a part of the Saudi formative movement to keep our cultural heritage through the conclusions reached by the study from both theoretical study and self experiment. 
Supervisor : Prof. Dr. SAFFAA ALi_FAHMY DIAP 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1430 AH
2009 AD
Number Of Pages : 260 
Co-Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Saleh Bin Hussein Al zayer 
Added Date : Sunday, June 20, 2010 


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سارة سالم بنوبbannoub, sara

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